stylus epic

Color Photography (some recent, some not)

Assorted color shots. Top row is from 2018-2019 shot on an Olympus point-and-shoot with Kodak and Fuji 35mm stock. Following rows are medium format from my Bronica all experimenting with flavors of Kodak Portra. All of the medium format is from 2020.

Winter 2019 In Black and White

Some select photos from this winter. I believe that these were all shot on my Olympus Stylus Epic. As usual, I used Illford Hp5+ pushed 2 stops, developed and scanned by hand.

B&W BTS Vol. 1

I keep at least one 35mm camera loaded with Illford HP5+ in my bag most of the time. So inevitably rolls end up with a few shots from the variety of sets I work on (when there happens to be a free minute to do so). It’s a nice reminder that one of the biggest benefits of my job is getting to work with so many great people. Here’s a collection of some of my favorites from roughly the last 9 months.

A wide range of cameras represented here - Olympus OM-2n, Minolta XD11 (rip/must replace), Fujifilm DL-290, and Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80.

Fall 2018 In Black and White Pt. 2

More from this fall. All on Illford Hp5+ pushed 2 stops, developed and scanned by myself.

The first eight images are from my Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80, which has some really interesting distortion and flaring. I was happily surprised by at the optical quality it delivers, considering that it’s a cheapo point-and-shoot. This was also my first roll of dx hacked film (the only way to get my preferred push-process on a point-and-shoot) and i can happily say it worked seamlessly.

The bottom row of images is from Thanksgiving at my parent’s house in NJ, shot on my Olympus OM-2n and 28mm f/2.8.